Friday, January 13, 2012

My Journey

I have 4 beautiful children. My oldest daughter is severely allergic to tree nuts and thus began our journey of eating 'safe' allergen friendly foods. At first it wasn't that hard. Avoiding nuts isn't quite as difficult as I would soon learn. Then came my second daughter. So far she is free of food allergies that we know of.

The birth of my son challenged me further. He was covered in a blotchy, red rash all over his tiny body. At first I thought it was newborn sensitive skin, but as the months passed and his skin didn't improve I could no longer believe that. His stools were also very loose, but I was breastfeeding so that didn't really raise a flag for me. Something in my gut just told me to look up cows milk allergy for the possible cause. His symptoms matched and the detective work began. We found he was also allergic to gluten, eggs, peanuts, bananas and fish by doing an elimination diet.

I thought I had it all figured out and then entered baby number 4. She came quickly and with her rash intact ready to be investigated. I have had to learn how to cook thing all over again, as now we must remove soy, coconut and sunflower.

So....what to do now? What was I going to eat? I bought lots of expensive ingredients, tried many recipes that sounded good, but tasted awful and wasted a lot of money of food that was inedible. I was blessed to meet another mom who had been through this before me and was a huge wealth of information and support. I am so grateful for her help and that is why I want to help anyone struggling like I once was, be it mother trying to feed her body well while helping her allergic infant, single adult trying to eat delicious food with friends or grandmother looking for recipes that her grandchildren can enjoy safely.

I hope this blog is a blessing to you and that you can truly feel free to enjoy the flavor of food even on a restricted diet!


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